Therapeutic Massage
For your convenience, office visits or will travel.
Prior to the massage session, I will conduct a brief health screening to determine what treatment is best for you. During the massage your body will be fully covered and kept warm at all times. I will conservatively uncover the specific area that is being treated at that given time. Oil or cream may be used.
60 min., or 90min.
Therapeutic Massage office visits
60 min., or 90min.
Therapeutic Massage out calls

On Site Seated Massage
A great wellness program for any office, company, or event to participate in.
This form of bodywork involves a ergonomically designed portable massage chair, that can be adjusted for the personalized care that includes the head, neck, back, shoulders, arms and hands. A variety of techniques are used. No oils or creams are needed, this form of massage is given through the clothes.
Minimum 2hrs. scheduled
On Site Seated Massage